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In order to ensure safety in the workplace and to assess the risks to protect the health of workers, the cooperative has a D.V.R. (Risk Assessment Document) prepared in accordance with current legislation.


The company is certified ISO 9001: 2008 for the activities of supplying seagoing services in the port area such as: Loading, unloading, landing, embarkation and handling of goods (EA1 sector).

The Company has also provided its own photovoltaic plant site, and uses 100% certified electrical power from renewable sources, contributing to environmental sustainability.

The older olbia’s citizens familiarly called this company “Sa Corridoni” in sardinan language. In fact, among the more or less historic institutions of society, perhaps the most representative of holiness and its thousand souls is the Corridoni Port Operating Company.
(cit. La Nuova Sardegna – biggest North Sardinian Newspaper)

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Compagnia Portuale Olbia
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